In this tutorial, we will see how to check if Key or Value exists in a Map. Map or HashMap is the java collection class that stores data in Key-Value pair. Java collections is a set of classes and interfaces that implement commonly reusable collection data structures.
To check if Key or Value exists in a Map, Map or HashMap class provides two methods boolean containsKey(Object key)
and boolean containsValue(Object value)
Below Java code will show you how to check if Key or Value exists in a Map
* Created on Feb 09, 2018 Copyright(c) All Rights Reserved.
package com.kodehelp.hashmap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author
public class KodehelpMapContainsKeyOrValue {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map studentsMap = new HashMap<>();
studentsMap.put("1", "Jeniffer");
studentsMap.put("3", "Catlyn");
studentsMap.put("5", "John");
studentsMap.put("10", "Aria");
//To check if Key exist, we used containsKey() method of a map
"Key (1) exist in HashMap":"Key (1) does not exist in HashMap");
"Key (2) exist in HashMap":"Key (2) does not exist in HashMap");
"Key (3) exist in HashMap":"Key (3) does not exist in HashMap");
//To check if Value exist, we used containsValue() method of a map
"Value (Jeniffer) exist in HashMap":"Value (Jeniffer) does not exist in HashMap");
"Value (Joy) exist in HashMap":"Value (Joy) does not exist in HashMap");
Key (1) exist in HashMap
Key (2) does not exist in HashMap
Key (3) exist in HashMap
Value (Jeniffer) exist in HashMap
Value (Joy) does not exist in HashMap
Hope you find this tutorial useful. Happy Learning !